New Higher Self Inner Circle: Effortless Awakening: Creating an Environment to Support Spiritual Growth
“Become like a child again to re-create yourself as an adult.” – Lincoln Gergar
Since the founding of the science of Psychology, it has been proven that our childhood experiences have the strongest determination for our mental health. More than any other factors, early childhood experiences determine how happy we will be as adults.
Why is this? What universal principles govern this process of human psychological development that we experience as children? More importantly, how can we change our mental health and emotional happiness now, as adults, by applying what early childhood psychology has proven?
A young child’s mind is like a sponge – soaking up information and emotional energy from everything in its environment. A young mind doesn’t use logic, reason or rational thought. The mind is completely open to the color, sounds, emotions and thought energy that fill it’s reality. Everything surrounding the child determines who the child becomes.
As children, you did not consciously choose the experiences that would influence you. Your parents created your environment and your parents determined your emotions and happiness Their choices, actions, emotions, thoughts and words served as the reality shaping your mind, creating your understanding of yourself and determining how you’d experience every aspect of your life.
Now, it is different. Now you are an adult – a fully capable self-governing consciousness. Now, you have the power to reshape everything about your life and how you understand yourself. This Inner Circle masterclass will guide you in this process of personal transformation in which your physical and energetic environments are skillfully created according to knowledge of the Higher Self.
This Higher Self course on effortless awakening will combine personal growth strategies and spiritual awakening practices with the Higher Self’s understanding of human psychology and the development of the personal mind. While nearly every popular spiritual practice used today approaches personal transformation with the rational, left-brained mindset, the Higher Self will use the creative right-brain mindset instead – in doing so, access the incredible power that shaped our mind as children.
As adults, we spend nearly all of our time interpreting life, expressing ourselves and creating our realities with the rational, logical, left brain mindset. However this logical left brain approach is the complete opposite of the creative, spontaneous, right-brain approach that children experience. Since our personalities and emotional happiness is most powerfully determined in childhood, then our spontaneous right-brain mindset has more power to determine our happiness as adults!
For 3 months, the Higher Self will lead you into greater states of personal happiness by transforming the deep conditioning that your right-brained state of mind received as young children.
- You will learn methods to awaken the right side of your brain that is responsible for creative thinking, spontaneous insight, intuition, problem solving and emotional feelings.
- You will learn how to feel emotion like you did as a child – from a pure state free from logic and rational thought.
- You will learn strategies to reshape your physical environment through the use of space, shapes, color and sound. By creating important changes in your physical environment, you will directly change the way you feel emotionally.
- The Higher Self will teach the stages of psychological development as understood from a multi-dimensional perspective. You will awaken the parts of your brain that you used as a young child – expanding your creativity, your feelings of freedom and your natural happiness.
- The subtle art of “not doing” will be the cornerstone of every weekly meditation because we are re-creating a personal growth environment similar to what we experienced as children. You will do less and receive more in the weekly guided meditations.
This is a highly unusual spiritual awakening and personal transformation course. Less popular but very effective spiritual practices will be provided. You will do less with your logical mind and personal effort and receive more from the universe that supports you. Let the Higher Self skillfully create the physical and nonphysical environments that shape your mind and emotions. Re-parent yourself with your Higher Self as the teacher.
This is the next Inner Circle cycle. Registration to participate live is now available.