Rate Changes for 2025
Hello students of the Higher Self teachings. I will be introducing some price changes starting after the new year. I want to inform you of these now and give you time to act so that you save money.
Personal Sessions
Beginning on January 1, I am increasing the cost for personal channeling sessions to $333.00 USD. Session times will remain 60 minutes in length. If the Higher Self channels for longer than 60 minute (which is usually does, as you know) you will not be charged extra.
Any sessions scheduled and paid for before January 1 will be at the earlier rate of $250.00 USD. You may schedule a session for any day and time in 2025 and as along as you pay before January 1, you will pay $250.00 USD for your session. All sessions paid after January 1 will be at the new $3330.00 USD rate.
To prevent this opportunity from being abused, if you cancel any $250.00 sessions in 2025, you may reschedule them one time and keep the $250 price. However, if you cancel or reschedule them more than one time, then the $333.00 rate will apply.
If you would like to take advantage of my offer and schedule your 2025 session now, I have created a new scheduling system. Click here to schedule your session using my Google Calendar appointment system. Instructions for sending payment are included on the calendar page and also emailed to you afterwards.
Weekly Satsang with the Self Meetings
Starting January 1, the price to attend the weekly Zoom live stream will increase by $2.00. As usual, you may prepay for an entire month or longer. I appreciate when larger packages are purchased because it makes my record-keeping easier and saves me PayPal transaction fees. Live Streaming the Satsang with the Self
Inner Circle Courses
The cost for attending the Inner Circle will remain unchanged at this time. I will continue to offer Inner Circle courses throughout 2025. As long as I have student interest and new topics to channel on, I will continue the Higher Self Inner Circle. Join the Higher Self Inner Circle
In-Person Retreats
I am in the process of organizing retreats in the United States and in Europe for 2025. No details are available at this time. I will make announcements as the retreats start materializing.
Channeled Meditations
The price for my channeled meditation CDs and mp3 digital downloads will increase to $25.00. They are currently priced at $19.99. Order these now if you’d like to take advantage of the savings. Purchase Higher Self Guided Meditations