Join the Higher Self Prayer Circle ❤️

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
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Dear beautiful Being of Light, ✨✨

The Higher Self community recently started meeting every Wednesday to channel Higher Self healing and manifestation energy for our world and each other through the form of selfless prayer, called the Higher Self Prayer Circle. It is a wonderful addition to the Higher Self Healing Circle.

The power of prayer is amplified when we join together with a shared intention.

If you have a sincere desire to create a better world for everyone to share, please join us in our weekly prayer group. Right now, more than ever during our lifetimes, humanity is struggling and in need of help. We, as awakened light workers, can make an important difference in the lives of everyone. Let’s help guide this world into a Golden Age of peace, prosperity, happiness and love.

We meet every Wednesday at 1:00 PM Eastern USA Time. Participation is free ! You only need to bring your precious self to share your beautiful heart’s loving, healing energy and creative power to help support this precious world . If you would like to get more involved, consider joining our Facebook group or sign up for our newsletter. All of our meeting details are posted regularly on our Facebook page, as well as sent out in our weekly newsletter.

We look forward to your participation. ✨


One Comment

  1. Lisa Wasilew says:

    I wish to join the weekly prayer circle please

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