Galactic Retreat 2: Embody Your Creator Self w/ Rayania Chaenn & Lincoln, Channel Higher Self

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023
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Enjoy a fun, light-hearted interview from Rayania’s Galactic Retreat: Embody Your Creator Self which aired last month. Here I talk about my journey of Higher Self awakening and how channeling dramatically changed my personality. Receive tips and guidance that I have learned through my journey of spiritual awakening. Enjoy the energies of joy, happiness, peace, love and wisdom that Rayania and myself created during this interview. I hope that you find useful knowledge in our video. Blessings and Love.

💫✨ Galactic Retreat: Embody Your Creator Self ✨💫
Create Quantum Shifts, Prosperity and Step into Your Highest Potentials

The intention of this FREE galactic retreat is to support people to anchor in and embody our multi-dimensional source selves while navigating the dissolving of the old programs, the healing of the ancestral, karmic patterns, collapsing of the timelines, In another word, to support people through polarity, confusion, overwhelm, powerlessness, anxiety and fear.

The intention is to empower people to open up, create from the new potentials and quantum jump timelines leading up to 2023 and beyond.

The vision is to ignite awakeners, lightworkers, starseeds to step into their true power and create ripple effects of empowerment, healing, liberation and elevated Consciousness across the world!

♾ You are a co-creator of this unified field of Consciousness ♾
⚡ Receive Abundance, Joy, Love and new beautiful people into your community! ⚡

Who is this galactic retreat for:

✪ people who are ready to take their power back and take action to create the changes in their own life, mission, business/career
✪ lightworkers /spiritual entrepreneurs who are called to show up and increase their impact while creating a financially abundant & balanced life
✪ people who are ready to step up to embody their mission and to be of service for the collective and New Earth

Why this retreat:

✷ Upshift frequency and raise the consciousness
✷Awaken -deepen our connection with the Universe and the Earth Gaia Sophia
✷ A year-end Lightshow to prepare for 2023!


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