Lincoln offers personal one-on-one or group channelling Higher Self sessions. Currently personal Higher Self channeling sessions are available via Skype, telephone, email, mp3, or YouTube video.
Please visit Channelling Higher Self for more information.
Here is a collection of personal Higher Self channeling sessions that clients have received. All videos listed here have received the permission of the session recipient to be shared on this website and on YouTube. The privacy of the recipient is held in the highest respect.
- Meditation and Spiritual Energy to Remove the Evil Energies Around you that are Harming you
- Higher Self Channeling Session for Successful Emotional Healing
- A Sample of a Higher Self Channeling Session
- Raising Spiritually Enlightened Children
- How to live in Meditative Awareness? Duality vs Oneness. The Self.
- Personal Higher Self Channeling for Tanya
- Personal Higher Self Channeling – Elias
- Personal Higher Self Channeling session
- Personal Channelling Higher Self Session
- Higher Self Channeling Session for Anahatta – December 9, 2008
- Experience your own Higher Self
- Higher Self Channel Session – July 19 2008
- Channelling 4 Myself
There are two “techniques” in contemplation I feel attracted to:
1. Just observing everything that comes up, be it thoughts, memories, imaginations and feelings, without resistance or seeking distraction from them.
2. Saying the following prayer which from many previous personal experience I know is true, even though the memories of them might be symbolic interpretations of what is occurring on the level of my Higher Self now:
“This feeling of lack of my original Lovejoy
I was beforehand willing to experience now
and even now am willing to experience,
out of Pure Charity for the one I now experience being
as well as for my neighbors,
in whom I desire to recognize MySelf,
that also they may know Who they are,
remembers The Perfectly Good One now also as I:
After saying this prayer holding the loving idea as “I” in mind until it becomes a feeling. I can make it shorter by reading and hearing these words of God in His humanity now sounding like my own internal voice in my head -or there it seems to be where it is “heard” as thoughts- with the idea that it is indeed God Who is speaking to Himself as I, through this means of making the words appear physically -as they indeed appear in the Bible- and then hearing them as I. Like a multi-dimensional soliloquy:
“Every one that is of the truth hears My voice.
No man comes to the Father but by Me.”
I experience doubt as to which of the two “techniques” is more suited to my present situation. I feel more attracted to #2. But am also willing to practice #1.
Thank you for your kind attention to this,
I feel that I best do the prayer, and then stay with the last loving “I” thought as long as it lasts, in the mean time letting all else pass by as if in the back ground, like in a river while standing on the rock in it.
I just changed “even” for “also”:
“”This feeling of lack of my original Lovejoy
I was beforehand willing to experience now
and also now am willing to experience,
out of Pure Charity for the one I now experience being
as well as for my neighbors,
in whom I desire to recognize MySelf,
that also they may know Who they are,
remembers The Perfectly Good One now also as I:
I have been pratcing your higherself method for about six months, it has been of tremendous help,having been through a very bad period; I would like to thank you, and would also like to continue with higher self techniques to help others.
Gloria (Greater Toronto , Canada)
Thank you Gloria for sharing your experience and gratitude. I am so very happy that these video teachings have been helping you through your life. Please continue to use them and share them with whomever you feel may benefit. I wish you the very best. Blessings and Love always. ~ Lincoln
Hi I just would like to say thank you for all your teachings. I was locked out of my email. Had to create another account. I appreciate all your time and patience. We will make connection again, to see how far I am progressing. I was told I’m making leaps and bounds. Although is this another trick of the Ego? Hmm… Sometimes it makes me wonder if is… Namaste