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Thought for Food: How our mind is feeding our life

August 14th, 2010 | No Comments

Our beliefs create our perceptions. Our perceptions create our experience. In this Satsang with the Self spiritual teaching video, learn how your mind is feeding your experience of reality. By directly observing and reflecting upon your thoughts, beliefs and personal truths you can learn how you are creating the events of your life and your personal response to these events.

Living as the Infinite Soul with No Past and No Future

August 5th, 2010 | No Comments

Pure Awareness is the foundation of who we are as infinite Souls. Although we all live in a manifest physical and energetic non-physical world that is forever in a state of change, our eternal Self is changeless. Throughout all of the changing experiences of our lives, our eternal Soul is never helped or harmed, made greater or less, increased or reduced. It is a paradox that our mind may have difficultly understanding or accepting, however we can give our self a direct experience of our eternal Soul as proof.

Quantum Physics – Searching for the God Particle

July 24th, 2010 | No Comments

In the modern science of quantum physics, scientists are searching for what they call the God Particle. Scientists believe that this piece of matter is the missing link that will answer many of the questions that quantum physics has yet to solve. What are the quantum physicists searching for? What is this God Particle? Will finding the God Particle solve the mysteries of our world once a for all?

Layers of Your Self – Physical, Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, Consciousness, Source

July 17th, 2010 | No Comments

Our manifest self is made up of many layers or bodies. Different spiritual schools have created maps and teachings about these different manifest layers. Different names have been used, but the experience of each layer is the same. In this higher consciousness spiritual video, we learn about the sevenlayers of our manifest self – the physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, pure consciousness, and unknowable Source.

Unblock the Flow of Divine Light from Your Heart

July 10th, 2010 | 2 Comments

With your Heart is the key to Love, the Light of God within this world. Unblock this flow of Divine Love with the help of this higher consciousness video by Channel Higher Self. We all have within us Divine Love, a radiant Light that emanates from our Spiritual Heart and touches everyone and everything within this world. Learn how you can uncover and access this Divine Light within and embody it more fully in your daily life

Hear Non-Physical Sounds. See Aura Colors. Guided Meditation.

July 3rd, 2010 | 1 Comment

The human ear and human eyes can only hear and see and limited range of frequencies and vibrations. Yet there are more sights and sounds existing all around us and within us that often go unseen and unheard. For thousands of years, spiritual masters have taught us that we are bodies of light, that we have a chakra system of colored lights, and that we have auras of colored light surrounding our bodies. Master have taught that we can communicate with plants and animals, and even non-physical spirits and ascended masters.

Higher Self Qi Gong Chi Building Meditation

June 26th, 2010 | No Comments

Qi or Chi is the Chinese and Taoist concept for the Universal Creative Life Energy that exists everywhere and in all things. For thousands of years, Taoist masters have practiced Qi Gong (Chi Kung) to cultivate and build their body’s Qi / Chi energy system – using breath, movement and awareness.

In this higher consciousness video by Channel Higher Self, gain a new understanding of Qi / Chi energy. Eliminate the misconceptions of this life force energy that are based on ideas of limitation and spiritual separation. Learn how you can experience Qi / Chi life force energy in you and all around you in one easy step.

The Higher Self on Breatharian Living

June 19th, 2010 | 2 Comments

This Channel Higher Self video teaches about the possibility that each human has to return to experiencing life as a breatharian. It is the original design of the human body to be directly nourished by life force energy, however human has instead chosen to create an experience of being fed by physical objects. In this higher consciousness video, learn how to return your body to the breatharian (inedia) state by first understanding how your mind controls the function of your body cells. With a proper knowledge of your own mind, you can see how you have been programming your body and limiting it’s function. Then through simple practices you can begin to change your body and move into a breatharian lifestyle.

You have the Truth within you. Trust your Self and Know your Self.

June 13th, 2010 | 2 Comments

It is a common experience that we feel and know deeply within us a truth, yet our mind cannot accept and agree with our inner knowing. We know that we are Love, yet our mind tells us that is idealistic thinking, wishful thinking or hope. Our mind fights with our Heart and we suffer. In this higher consciousness video, learn how to recognize your own inner Truth. Learn how to understand the difference between your inner Truth and the thoughts in your ego mind. Learn how to trust and empower your inner Truth so that it becomes your experience.

Be free like a child with this Higher Self meditation

June 5th, 2010 | No Comments

From the first day of our birth, we have been filled with concepts and beliefs that we have empowered to become our reality. All humans have grown and developed this way. It is unavoidable. However, now as an adult you have the ability to remove the social conditioning and return to the innocence, freedom and love of a child… with the wisdom of an adult.

Coming Earth Changes – Change Your Self

May 29th, 2010 | No Comments

Humanity is continuing to move forward in the process of global change. We are currently experiencing an increased rate of change upon this Earth. Societies are being changed, governments are being changed, economies are being changed, and you are being changed. How much do you know about this process of change happening upon the Earth right now? How aware are you of the changes happening within your self?

Meditation – Remove the Limited Shell of the Ego

May 22nd, 2010 | No Comments

Existing around you is the limited shell of your ego. This shell is being created by all of the thoughts and beliefs that you empower as truth with your mind. It is is the ego shell that separates us from our greater Higher Self, Universal Self, and Soul. It is this shell that causes our suffering. In this higher consciousness video by Channel Higher Self learn how you can give up the limitations of your ego and free yourself from your suffering.

Align your DNA with your Soul Meditation

May 15th, 2010 | No Comments

Our DNA is the foundation of our manifest physical expression. The structure of our DNA determines our physical appearance, our mental health and emotional health. By making changes in our DNA we can change our physical body, mind and emotions manifest. In this Channel Higher Self video meditation learn how to create changes at the DNA level to bring your manifest self into alignment with your Soul and Higher Self.

Personal Higher Self Channeling for Tanya

May 8th, 2010 | 3 Comments

This is an example of a person Higher Self channeling for a client. If you are interested in your own personal Higher Self channeling, you can learn more at my webiste

Personal Higher Self Channeling – Elias

May 8th, 2010 | 1 Comment

A personal Higher Self channeling for Elias, recorded on May 5, 2010. This session has been made public at the request of the recipient.

Happiness is an energy. Look within.

May 8th, 2010 | No Comments

We are often taught since childhood to believe that happiness comes from people, events and experiences in the external world. We are taught that we can be happy if we have a high-paying job, a beautiful spouse, and an expensive house. However these things are not happiness.

In this Channel Higher Self video you are guided to look within yourself at your energy system. It is your energy system that creates your emotions, feelings, and wellbeing. Through practice and meditation we can learn to control our energy system to create more energy and any emotions that we desire.