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Monday, August 28th, 2023
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Welcome to my Channel Higher Self website.  I am very happy that you felt a resonance with my energy and the Higher Self that I channel.

I thought it would be helpful to create a post to welcome you to my website and help you navigate the 1,151 webpages that it contains.  I’ve been channeling the Higher Self on YouTube and holding workshops around the world since 2006.   If you search through my videos, you will see that many things have changed over these 17 years – especially my ability to channel.

Every video recording on this website is unedited.  I wanted to share an authentic demonstration of channeling and the humanness of being a spiritual teacher.  Many people have told me I’ve come a long way since I first began.  Here are clips taken from the first time I’ve ever channeled the Higher Self through my voice:

Jump forward 17 years and things are very different.  Not only has my channeling improved, but practicing channeling the Higher Self nearly every day since 2003 has changed my personal self in ways that I never thought possible.  I have kept my earliest channeling videos on YouTube to inspire anyone desiring to channel their Higher Self.  I want you to know that with sincere effort and regular practice you will become deeply transformed in ways that you cannot imagine right now.  Channeling the Higher Self has been the most significant spiritual practice I have ever experienced and the most important part of my life.

If you’d like to explore more of what I offer you, here is a quick explanation.

YouTube videos

For 17 years I have been posting Higher Self channeling teachings and guided meditations on YouTube.  Over the years, the collection has grown to more than 2,600 videos.  I realize that is a lot of content.  The best way to find the videos that will help you is to use the search feature on my website (located on the right sidebar of the home page) or use the search feature on my YouTube page.

Some people feel more resonate with my earlier style of channeling because it was less energetic and offered a simpler style of teaching.  But most people prefer my newer videos because the explanations are more detailed and more of the Higher Self energy is expressing through my human body and chakras.  If you sort my videos by the date, you can choose the style of channeling that you feel more resonate with.

Be sure to subscribe to my website and YouTube channel to receive updates for my newest videos and also announcements when new courses and in-person retreats are available.

Private channeling session

We can work together on Zoom or a phone call and I will channel the Higher Self for you.  I will answer any questions that you have for the Higher Self.  Each channeling session costs $250 and includes 60-90 minutes of channeling.  I record our meetings for you so that you may continue to benefit from everything that was shared.  There is a lot of specific information and guidance in every channeling session.  I have often received feedback that a single session is all a person needs to support them for many months or even a few years. You can contact me if you’d like to schedule a session together.

Higher Self Inner Circle

The Higher Self Inner Circle is a 90 day course and costs $333.33 for the 13 weeks of teachings with around 50 hours of content.  Each week contains 1 hour of teachings from my personal self and 2-3 hours of Higher Self channeling.  The Inner Circle began in 2020 and every course is available for purchase.  We will begin the next live stream Inner Circle course in October. You can view all of the topics here: https://channelhigherself.com/announcements/purchase-any-of-the-higher-self-inner-circle-cycles/  and watch video samples.

Guided Meditations

A collection of guided meditations can be found at https://higherselfteachings.com .  These guided meditation have Higher Self channeled instruction combined with relaxing meditation music.  Each guided meditation album is engineered with advanced meditation practices and unique musical instruments, nature sounds or tones to provide the most support while meditating.

Satsang with the Self

A $10 weekly live stream channeling happens every Thursday night.  The Satsang with the Self began in January 2008 and is one of the longest running live stream spiritual gatherings on the internet.   These weekly Higher Self channelings are a fun way to experience the Higher Self on Zoom and stay connected to higher dimensions during the week. https://channelhigherself.com/blog/live-streaming-the-satsang-with-the-self/

Higher Self Healing Circle

Two years ago, students of the Inner Circle joined together to provide free energy healing for people seeking help with physical or emotional challenges.  We’ve posted a few sample energy healing videos on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3W_0-KnKPn4jA1OzVbtJJuSmxLR0VLwl   You can join our Facebook group or email list if you’d like to participate.

Daily Higher Self Inspiration

A number of years ago, I began posted inspirational quotes from my Higher Self channeling videos to help people stay in the Higher Self energy.  Connect to me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (X) to receive my daily Higher Self inspiration.

Subscribe for Updates

Before you begin your journey exploring the Higher Self universe of teachings, I’ll invite you to subscribe to my website.  The best way to stay up to date with all of my videos, workshop announcements and new offerings is to subscribe.  Click here to add your email address to my email list.

As Channel Higher Self continues to expand, more ways to experience the Higher Self will be offered.  I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share the Higher Self with you. I truly hope that everything on my website and in my YouTube videos helps to accelerate your awakening and add happiness to your life.


Lincoln Gergar



  1. Margaret Vey says:

    I found you on nex level soul. I am 76 year old lady who have been search for help all my life. I have had severe anxiety my whole life and acrophobia. My husband died 10 years ago and I found it so difficult living alone that I moved into a nursing home. I have been here for a year now and everyday I stay in my room and read spiritual books or watch spiritual vidios my two recent books and videos have been “no bad parts” dr Richard Schwartz an
    “ living untethered” Michael singer. Also read and followed Eckhart tolle alas well as hundreds of others. I have been looking for outside fixes all my life and only recently realized the answers lie within. My heart has been totally closed did not even know what that meant. I am not giving up hope❗️

  2. Lincoln says:

    You have the right mindset. Do not give up hope. We are more powerful than we can ever imagine and when we believe in our ability to heal we create miracles in our lives. I have witnessed people healing incurable physical illnesses and healing emotional challenges that seemed insurmountable. The key to healing is 1) being willing to feel our emotions, and 2) learning how to consciously create and amplify positive emotions like love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, confidence, trust, etc. You are doing great by reading books on unconditional love, acceptance, relaxation in the present moment and higher states of consciousness. This knowledge will help you to relax into yourself and awaken the natural state of peace and joy. I believe in you and I know that you will heal.

  3. Thia says:

    Dear Lincoln,
    Here I am, your second Geezerette gleaned from Next Level Soul
    I am almost sixty-nine, had a highly unpleasant childhood, blah blah blah.

    I was taken out of my body during abuse and believe that is a gift to enable a person to experience various forms of multi-dimensionality more easily.
    I always knew Someone was protecting me. Being able to manage unwanted/unloved/unworthy has been a real bugaboo for me.

    Lifelong study and searching has brought me, finally, to you.

    I even had a vivid dream to announce your imminent arrival, a week or so ago, but I misinterpreted it, because I have had a weird, inexplicable, lifelong synchronicity with Abraham Lincoln, for some reason

    I am so grateful you were on NLS!

    Your website is amazing and your content over the years is stunning.
    I am so impressed that you do not monetize everything!

    That is so needed, yet sadly, unusual in the world of Woo and elsewhere.
    People with no money can easily progress like mad with you, if they only knew how to find you.

    I have already and will continue to recommend you wholeheartedly.

    I hope the lady with the comment above will look around your website, because it will keep her happily busy for as long as she wants.
    Your prices, when you do charge, are more than fair. I hope to join you in October.

    Thank you so much for being you ! You have gotten me over a BIG hump, with me only watching two youtube videos, after the NOS interview.

    With much love,
    God bless you, DEAR young man

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