Remove Your Resistance to Success | Week 11: Complete Chakra System Expression

Monday, June 12th, 2023
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Increase Higher Self energy in all 7 chakras at the same time to break through patterns of psychological resistance.  This is a very powerful and effective method to transform your life. You will feel bliss in your emotions and electricity in your nervous system when performing this guided meditation. It’s a powerful one!

The chakra system contains the human psyche with all of our ideas, beliefs, desires, fears and emotions. We are eternal consciousness (souls) that are creating this lifetime. We can learn how to successfully create everything that we desire when we understand how the chakra system works.

If the information and guided meditation shared in this Inner Circle lesson has helped you, consider completing the entire 13-week course.

The Higher Self Inner Circle is a 13-week course that is taught in the channeled state.  Every part of the Inner Circle has been designed to accelerate your awakening process.  Advanced guided meditations, energy practices and personal guidance is given to help you create your very best life. The Spring 2023 cycle focuses on Identifying and Removing the Psychological Resistance that is Stopping Your Creative Success and Spiritual Enlightenment. Experience all 13 lessons in this Higher Self master class at Purchase any of the Higher Self Inner Circle Cycles


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