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Dissolving into the Stream of Pure Consciousness Energy

December 31st, 2009 | No Comments

In meditation and spiritual practice, the personal self is dissolved into the experience of subjective awareness, which is further dissolved into the Stream of Pure Consciousness Energy. Learn what this experience is like and how to have this experince yourself. Learn how to identify the Consciousness of your own self and how to experience everything as the flow of Pure Creative Energy

What is the Higher Self? Is it a separate being?

December 31st, 2009 | No Comments

Is the Higher Self a separate being that our self? Why is it call “channeling” the Higher Self? These questions and more are answered as the Higher Self Consciousness is examined and compared to the personal state of consciousness and the personal ego.

What is the Higher Self? Love, Wisdom, and Power

December 31st, 2009 | No Comments

Many spiritual traditions have described the Higher Self Consciousness with the three qualities of Love, Wisdom and Power. Learn what Love, Wisdom and Power mean. Learn how the three qualities support each other to create the direct experience of the Higher Self Consciousness. Learn why Love is considered the greatest of these three qualities. Learn why experiencing Love is necessary to have genuine Wisdom and Power.

What is the Higher Self? Is it the Soul?

December 31st, 2009 | No Comments

This Channel Higher Self video interview answers the question: Is the Higher Self the same as the Soul?

Learn what the difference is between the Higher Self and the Soul. Learn how the two are related. Understand the how the Soul and the Higher Self function at different manifest layers of our being. Understand the qualities that separate the Soul layer from the Higher Self Consciousness layer.

What is the Higher Self? Is it God?

December 31st, 2009 | No Comments

This Channel Higher Self video interview answers the question: Is the Higher Self the same as God?

Learn what the difference is between God and the Higher Self. Learn how the two are related. Understand the difference and similiarities between the personal experience of God and the personal experience of the Higher Self Consciousness.

Spiritual Surrender into the Heart of God / Self

January 17th, 2009 | No Comments

Learn how the traditional meaning of Satsang can be expanded to include all of life, as a persons own spiritual understanding expands. This Satsang with the Self video answers the question: “Can you speak more on the term “surrender”? I am never sure what I am surrendering.”