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Earth Changes 2012 Prophecy – What are we to do?

September 16th, 2008 | No Comments

Many people are focusing on the coming Earth Changes spoken of in many indigenious cultures.

Is 2012 a time of birth or death?

What will come in the “new Earth”?

How can we prepare?

Listen to the Higher Self take another perspective in the Earth Changes 2012 prophecy.

You may be suprised by what you hear. You may not like it. But you will be enlightened by it.

Buddhas, why do we reincarnate?

September 15th, 2008 | No Comments

Here is a most complete education on reincarnation – the Buddhist belief that a soul returns to live on Earth many times to learn many lessons. Buddhists try to end the cycle of reincarnation ( samsara )and experience liberation ( moksha ).

Learn from the Higher Self as we discuss:

What is a Buddha?

Why do we reincarnate?

How can we get free from reincarnation?

What part of us reincarnates?

This is a very comprehensive teaching on reincarnation that will help clear up many misunderstandings about the topic.

Also learn how to be free from reincarnation, how to expereince the True Self, and how to become a Buddha – an Awakened One.

Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike will enjoy this reincarnation talk.

Divine Design – the Sun as our Healer

September 12th, 2008 | No Comments

What is the relationship between sunlight and God’s spiritual light and how does it affect personal and planetary transformation?

Learn the Divine connections between our physical body, the sun, and the earth.

Learn how our bodies were designed to be fed by the sun.

By connecting with the sun, we are able to bring greater amounts of Love and light into our bodies to be shared with this entire planet.

Surrender into the sun and allow our physical bodies to become light.