Unlock the truth of Who You are – Step into Your Creator Self & Embody Your Soul Mission

Tuesday, August 9th, 2022
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Join myself and 24 spiritual teachers, channels and healers in my next free online video retreat that begins August 12. For 2 weeks receive 2 videos a day to help support your soul mission of spiritual awakening.

This is an expansive Heart co-creation. It is hosted by my friend, Rayania Chaenn, who is deeply passionate about this topic. Join me on this amazing gathering and open up to your next level of evolution, quantum expansion and Joy of being here as Human on Earth!

Expect inspired heartfelt conversations about navigating through this time, embodying your Creator Frequency, empowering Channeled messages, powerful activations, profound tools and practices and so much more!

25 incredible Spiritual Teachers, Channelers, Healers, Waysharers, Researchers with their inspiring transformational Wisdom and gifts. I know they will support you on your journey and in embodying your Soul Mission.

This free online retreat starts on the 12th of August. Every day you will receive 2 enlightening Sessions until the 25th of August.

Click here to Register: https://bit.ly/3PRIzPB


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