Support the Higher Self Work
The Channel Higher Self videos are presented free of cost to humanity. If you are benefiting from these videos, please support Channel Higher Self by one or more of the following ways:
1. Donate to Channel Higher Self using PayPal or by mailing a personal check (contact me for mailing address). You can also sign up for a recurring donation that automatically sent every month. For people who practice tithing, these recurring donations make the process easy. Custom recurring donation amounts are also available, please contact me.
One-Time Donation (you select the amount).
- Sign into your PayPal account at
- Select “Pay or Send Money” from the top blue menu bar
- Select “Send money to family or friends”
- Enter the email lincoln [at]
* Replace the [at] with the @ symbol. You may copy and paste this email address to be sure it’s spelled correctly. - Enter your amount in US Dollars.
- Select the “Next” button.
- On the next page, enter “Higher Self Donation” in the “Add a Note”. Also, type your first and last name. I will use this information to record your payment and contact you in the future.
- Select “Send” and you’re done.
Recurring Monthly Donation
Donate : $10.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $20.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $25.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $40.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $50.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $75.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $100.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $125.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $150.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $200.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $250.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $500.00 USD – monthly
Donate : $1000.00 USD – monthly
To understand why I request financial donations, I have written this webpage. Click here to visit.
2. Post a link to one or more of your favorite videos on your personal website, YouTube account, MySpace page, Facebook page, or other networking website. I’ve added share buttons below each video to make posting a link fast and easy. The more facebook likes and referrals that I receive the most popular these teachings will become.
3. Tell a friend or loved one about these spiritual videos if you feel that it would help them on their spiritual journey.
4. Transcribe a video to text. When I began these Higher Self videos, many people have requested that I convert the videos to text so that they can be translated into other languages. If you would like to transcribe the video to text so that others can benefit, please contact me. I have a list of videos that need to be transcribed.
5. Send Lincoln an email. I have dedicated my life to serving humanity. It always warms my heart to know that people are benefiting from my service.
6. Click on the advertising posted throughout any of the Channel Higher Self websites and visit some of our sponsoring websites. Advertisements provide revenue that keeps these teachings free by off-setting my own out-of-pocket expenses.
All of these efforts help contribute to the continued success of Channel Higher Self. You and others like you are the reason that I have dedicated my time and energy to creating these videos. It brings me great joy to serve you in this way. Your support helps me to continue this work.
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