Invite Channel Higher Self to your country – Europe 2014

Lincoln Gergar of Channel Higher Self invites you to host him in your city and country this year. In June and July 2014, Lincoln will be traveling throughout Europe sharing the Higher Self teachings and spiritual energy. If you are interested in helping him create an event, workshop, or group meditation in your location, please contact him at

I look forward to helping you and all beings reach greater states of spiritual awakening, peace and Love.

~ Lincoln

Locations for last year’s Channel Higher Self world tour in Europe:

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • London, England United Kingdom
  • Norwich, England United Kingdom
  • Zurich, Switzerland

This year’s potential locations in Europe:

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Ireland
  • London, England United Kingdom
  • Norwich, England United Kingdom
  • Zurich, Switzerland
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Stockholm, Sweden



  1. Parmjeet Kaur says:

    Namaste lincoln,
    I am very glad to read about you that you are coming to Sweden as i belong to sweden.very nice i am so happy..please can you give information about which particular date u are that i can cancel my other programs..l was waiting this day eagrly…
    Pami osho

  2. Angelina says:

    Hello Linclin,

    I am from Greece particularly from Crete and I was wandering if you are planning to come here.I admire your work.Is there any chance you know a spiritual teacher in Greece to help me with meditation? I do this alone and experience strong heartbeats, headaches and a feeling of gold breeze upon my arms and head. I am afraid I am doing something wrong..

    So do you include Greece in your future plans?


  3. Lincoln says:

    Hello Angelina. I will email you a list of questions to help me come to Greece to teach. When I travel to other countries, it is necessary that people help me to set up the events.

    No, I do not know any spiritual teachers in Greece.

    In meditation, your heart rate should slow down. Only anxiety and fear while in the meditation may increase your heart rate. This anxiety or fear should should be worked through quickly. It is only a temporary experience when people are afraid of letting go of the familiar external world to dive deeper within.

    In correct meditation, a person should not experience headaches. Headaches are a result of muscle tension, often in the eyes. Try to relax your eyes and relax your body.

    The feeling of the gold breeze is likely an energy experience. Many different types of energy experiences happen as we meditate. These are common and should not be viewed with fear or anxiety. They also should not become a focus of desire.

    My articles here will teach you more about meditation.

    I have a CD / mp3 album that teaches correct meditation.

    I am also available for one-on-one consultation using phone and Skype. You can learn more here

  4. Shekib Omran says:

    Hi Lincoln,

    Are you open to visit another city in The Netherlands?

    I live in the centre of the city called ”Leeuwarden” which is in the North of the Netherlands, about 100.000 people live in Leeuwarden.

    My small studio is a 10 minute walk away from the trainstation and close to everything in the city. If you are willing, you can stay at my place and maybe we can arrange someplace where you could give a workshop. I am sure lot’s of people would be interested here.

    I am a student without much income and I can’t afford to help financially if you where to rent space, but you could give workshops/meditations in my studio, it can house about 8-10 people simultaniously.

    You could stay for about two weeks, you’d be on a Dahl or Rice diet though Haha.

    I’m open to suggestions.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    God bless


  5. Lincoln says:

    Thank you Shekib. I appreciate your hospitality and desire for me to reach more people. I will email you a questionnaire to gather more information about your city.

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