Mind Mastery: Take a Tour of Your Mind
Let this guided meditation take you into parts of your mind that you’ve never explored before. Did you know that your mind is spread throughout your body? Different locations have different functions. Learn where to focus your awareness to unlock your mind’s full potential.
Mind Mastery: Stopping a Wild Mind
When your mind is acting crazy, do not fight it – go beyond it! Learn a technique that quickly settles all thoughts and emotions with ease, returning you to peaceful stillness, in this channeled Higher Self teaching.
Mind Mastery: Focus and Patience
After you create with your intentions, affirmations and mental energy – then what? Learn how to amplify and expand your manifestation mastery with this simple Higher Self Mind Mastery practice.
Mind Mastery: Direct Your Mind’s Power
The mind far more than thoughts alone. The mind is an energy body filled with creative energy that moves according to your spiritual consciousness’ intentions.
Mind Mastery: Get Yourself Into Your Mind
You can’t change anything by staying outside of it. You must get into your mind to master it. If you are hearing your thoughts, you aren’t in your mind. When inside, your thoughts silence and you are given control.
Mind Mastery: Where is the Mind?
The thoughts you hear in your head are a very limited function of your mind. Your mind is much greater – existing around your entire physical body and containing numerous functions that humans must awaken into. Get direct experience of your mind / mental body in this Higher Self video.
Align Your Heart and Your Mind to Express Your Authentic Self
Your mind is a gatekeeper and your Spiritual Heart’s energy is the creative power of your expression. When you mind and Heart are aligned, your creative power expresses and your authentic self is experienced.
Mind Mastery: Have Your Mind Obey You
Understanding and mastering your mind is the key to happiness on all levels. When your mind obeys you, you have no random thoughts and no emotional reactions. Peace is the foundation and creative freedom is yours.
Move Beyond the Restless Mind in this Higher Self Guided Meditation
There are layers to ourselves and layers to our mind. On the surface of the mind appear the thoughts. Deeper within we experience direct knowing. Even deeper we discover being.
Mind Mastery: Establish Yourself as Higher Consciousness
Controlling the mind from outside the mind is like trying to control a wild animal. You may temporarily limit it’s behaviors but you never control it’s action. To truly control the mind, you must be inside the mind.
Using Affirmations to Manifest the Best Understanding in your Life
Learn what happens as you change your state of mind and think everything is God Consciousness. Watch your reality change as you accept the world is you and the events of your life are determined by your mind.
Spirituality – What to do when your mind is creating more problems in your life
Eastern spirituality teaches us that our mind is the source of our suffering. Clean the mind and we heal ourselves. But what are we to do when our mind is creating problems and causing stress?
Mind Mastery: Control Your Thoughts to Create Your Reality
You chose this human experience to realize yourself as a creator. Expand into your Higher Self consciousness and create your reality with clarity, mastery and ease.
AnaAkun Interview – Does the Casual Body (Mind) have Feminine and Masculine Qualities?
The Higher Self teaches that all of life has feminine and masculine qualities. What are the female and male qualities and energies that exist in the causal body (mind)?
Mind Mastery: The Origin of your Mind is in Your Heart
Most people think that the mind is in the brain, but truthfully, the mind starts in the Heart. Learn how to quiet your thoughts in order to feel the subtle energy that begins in your Heart and then rises up to the brain.
Don’t Fight It — Transcend Your Monkey Mind!
Is your mind full of thoughts? Do you jump from one idea to the next? Do you feel like you go in circles? You may have monkey mind – the famous Buddhist word for an uncontrollable mind.