Interviews for the Soul – Lincoln Gergar, Channel Higher Self

Wednesday, August 12th, 2015
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Interviews & Appearances
Date: August 7, 2015
Title: Interviews for the Soul – Lincoln Gergar, Channel Higher Self
Running Time: 1:35:24

Interviews for the Soul – Lincoln Gergar, Channel Higher Self

Promoter Harmony Group –
Host: Lincoln Gergar – | | |

This is the first of many discussions that are meant to provide a better understanding of what life really is, where to look to find our true nature and to offer a chance to recognize the Presence of your own Soul manifesting in every situation in this life.

Lincoln is a clean channel for a Higher Wisdom that comes out of an open heart and for the Love that flows once one recognizes this Power within one self. I find him to be in a way like a white piece of paper that this Love writes whatever is necessary, at the right time for the one that stands in front of this white paper. And the letters that come and begin to shine their aliveness in front of you radiate this subtle, yet powerful Life changing force.

The truth shines from his words and throughout the energy that he is channeling, illuminating the unseen corners of your life, making it possible to make a step closer to your true nature, to your unbound freedom. If I were to look a little bit through the history on mankind, I could say that he is a combination of a silent Tibetan monk and the Oracle of Delphi. Maybe the image does not make justice to reality, but go and find out for yourself.

Promotor Harmony Group –
Invitat: Lincoln Gergar – | | |

Aceasta este prima discutie dintr-o serie lunga de interviuri, care au fost gandite ca o cale de a intelege mai bine ce este viata cu adevarat, unde sa ne cautam propria natura fundamentala si pentru a oferi o sansa de a recunoaste Prezenta propriului Suflet ce se manifesta in fiecare clipa a vietii tale.

Lincoln este un canal curat pentru o Intelepciune Inalta ce tasneste dintr-o inima deschisa si pentru Iubirea ce curge odata ce recunosti aceasta Putere in interiorul tau. Cred ca este intr-un fel precum o coala alba de hartie pe care aceasta Iubire scrie ceea ce este necesar, la momentul potrivit, pentru cel care sta in fata acestei coli de hartie. Iar literele ce ajung aici incep sa straluceasca vii in fata ta, radiind aceasta subtila, dar extrem de puternica Forta care iti schimba Viata.

Adevarul straluceste in cuvintele lui si peste tot in energia pe care o channelizeaza, iluminand colturile nevazute ale vietii tale, putand face in acest fel un pas mai aproape de natura ta fundamentala, de libertatea fara margini de acolo. Daca as privi retrospectiv in istoria umanitatii, as putea spune ca este o combinatie dintre un calugar tibetan tacut si Oracolul din Delfi. Poate ca aceasta imagine nu se ridica la inaltimea realitatii, insa va invit sa descopriti singuri cum stau lucrurile de fapt.

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  1. Christian says:

    Excellent interview, very inspiring! Thank you Razvan and Lincoln for making this possible.

  2. rose ma rain says:

    Thank you Razvan, for asking the questions that were on my mind today. And thank you Lincoln for expanding my awareness as I walk with God.
    I have no money to donate, but if you ever seek a place to stay while you are in Holland, you’d be most welcome to stay in my guest house.

  3. Luis says:

    I would like to add a thank you as well. Thank you to both parties for a making a great interview. It was insightful and as Rose said Razvan did ask the questions needed. Thanks again Lincoln and also Razvan. Namaste.

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