99 Days 99 Channels video series

99 Days 99 Channels is the first Channel Higher Self video series made available to the public on YouTube and the internet.

In July 2008, I was guided by the Higher Self Consciousness to create a live, un-edited video series that presents the Higher Self’s answers to questions asked by a public audience. For 99 days, I invited anyone and everyone to submit their questions for the Higher Self to answer. No restrictions were placed on questions or topics. Click here to view the submitted topics.

99 Days 99 Channels officially began on August 11, 2008. For 99 consecutive days, I channeled the Higher Self Consciousness daily and posted these video channeling sessions on YouTubeChannel Higher Self, and the 99 Days 99 Channels website. Everyone was invited to join along in daily meditations and spiritual teachings.

Many changes happened throughout these 99 days of Higher Self channeling. I had undergone a significant spiritual awakening with many powerful experiences recorded during these video channelings. My Spiritual Heart awakened continuously and my energy system was deeply transformed. By the 99th day, I felt like a new person as the Higher Self Consciousness embodied more of my incarnate self. These videos are a testament to the powerful spiritual energy of the Higher Self that we all can experience if we are willing to open our Hearts and surrender our egos.

More significant than my own personal spiritual transformation were the transformations and spiritual awakenings experienced by many of my YouTube viewers. People from all over this beautiful world were guided and energetically assisted to explore deeper into themselves, to awaken the Divine Love and Higher Self Consciousness within their own Spiritual Heart, and to remove more of their restrictive personal egos. These 99 days were a magical experience that brought humanity one step closer to the collective realization of Divine Love and the Higher Self Consciousness.

Please explore this videos. You will find over 44 hours of channeled Higher Self messages. These videos are filled with the powerful transformative energy and wisdom of the Higher Self Consciousness. This energy and wisdom has the ability to awaken you to the deeper parts of your self and bring you more spiritual freedom, happiness and love. Simply watching these videos will transform you on all levels as the Higher Self within your Spiritual Heart is honored and activated.

Please visit 99 Days 99 Channels to watch all 99 videos.  Or use the video list below.

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